Research Publications
DiPA: Probabilistic Multi-Modal Interactive Prediction for Autonomous Driving
Anthony Knittel, Majd Hawasly, Stefano V. Albrecht, John Redford, Subramanian Ramamoorthy
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023
Accurate prediction is important for operating an autonomous vehicle in interactive scenarios. Prediction must be fast, to support multiple requests from a planner exploring a range of possible futures. The generated predictions must accurately represent the probabilities of predicted trajectories, while also capturing different modes of behaviour (such as turning left vs continuing straight at a junction). To this end, we present DiPA, an interactive predictor that addresses these challenging requirements. Previous interactive prediction methods use an encoding of k-mode-samples, which under-represents the full distribution. Other methods optimise closest-mode evaluations, which test whether one of the predictions is similar to the ground-truth, but allow additional unlikely predictions to occur, over-representing unlikely predictions. DiPA addresses these limitations by using a Gaussian-Mixture-Model to encode the full distribution, and optimising predictions using both probabilistic and closest-mode measures. These objectives respectively optimise probabilistic accuracy and the ability to capture distinct behaviours, and there is a challenging trade-off between them. We are able to solve both together using a novel training regime. DiPA achieves new state-of-the-art performance on the INTERACTION and NGSIM datasets, and improves over the baseline (MFP) when both closest-mode and probabilistic evaluations are used. This demonstrates effective prediction for supporting a planner on interactive scenarios.
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